The 13th Floor is a symposium on all things occult and paranormal. From verified phenomena like Haitian zombies and sleep paralysis to more outlandish topics like Donut Earth Theory and Bigfoot, The 13th Floor will study and pick-apart a wide variety of bizarre and macabre ideas.

Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Mandela Effect: Berenstein’s Gate
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Are you misremembering a pivotal event in history or a quote from a well-known movie? You’re not alone, and maybe you’re from an alternate universe where what you recall is what really happened! Is CERN to blame, or are our favorite bear books changing before our eyes?

Thursday Jul 25, 2019
Near Death Experiences
Thursday Jul 25, 2019
Thursday Jul 25, 2019
Stairway to heaven or highway to hell? This week the 13th Floor Gang is analyzing accounts of people who died...and came back with astonishing tales of their time beyond the veil.

Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Afraid of Your Own Shadow (People)
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Are they demons, ghosts, inter-dimensional travelers, or something else entirely? This week the 13th Floor Gang is exploring the fairly modern phenomenon of Shadow People.

Thursday Jul 11, 2019
Machine Vs. Man
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
How smart does a smart phone have to be before it stops being a phone? All aboard the ship of Theseus, destination: the 13th Floor! This week the gang is talking about Artificial Intelligence.

Thursday Jun 27, 2019
Bermuda, Bahama...The Truth Behind the Drama?
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
This week the 13th Floor Gang is venturing to the Bermuda Triangle, and discussing theories as to what - or who - may be to blame for the plethora of missing ships and planes in the area. Could it be human error, aliens, Earth farts...or something else?

Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Jack the Ripper
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Was Jack the prototype for the modern serial killer, or something even more nefarious? This episode we delve into the identity of arguably the most iconic murderer in history, which can range from a mundane lunatic to a supernatural entity.

Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Area 51: Planes, Trains, and Experimental Aircraft
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Area 51 is a household name that conjures up images of secret bases, spooky black op experiments, and soldiers with battle rifles primed to shoot trespassers. For once, what you imagine...might pretty much be exactly the truth.

Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Hypnosis: A Trance-endent Talk
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Is hypnosis legit? Is there a difference between stage hypnosis and therapeutic hypnosis? Is the whole cliche pocket watch schtick real? Are the Kardashians secretly hypnotoads? Find out in this mesmerizing episode of the 13th Floor!

Thursday May 30, 2019
Dark Disney
Thursday May 30, 2019
Thursday May 30, 2019
Disney: most magical place on Earth or most TRAGICal place on Earth? This week the 13th Floor Gang is taking a look at some strange and somewhat spooky theories surrounding the theme parks, the business, the films, and even the man behind the mouse himself.

Thursday May 23, 2019
I Think We’re A Clone Now
Thursday May 23, 2019
Thursday May 23, 2019
History is full of lookalikes, doppelgängers, and doubles. This week the 13th Floor Gang will review some of the most well-known celebrity cloning conspiracy theories, as well as discuss the logistics of the next step in creating body doubles: full-scale cloning of the world’s elite figures!